Dear All,
Adam Bergeron and I are pleased to announce that Clayton High School will be hosting the second edition of their novice scholar bowl tournament on Saturday, October 12, 2024. I, Sean Phillips, as well as Mr. Bergeron will be co-directing.
We are using the Sedna set. This set is also being used the next month in Hannibal, MO. If you register for this tournament, please ensure that your team does not attend another tournament using the same question set. Questions about the set may be referred to the following link: ... na#p400864
Each game will consist of twenty tossups and up to twenty bonuses. We will use fifteen point powers, no penalties for incorrect tossup answers, and bonuses will rebound. Each team will be guaranteed at least eight games. Player eligibility is as follows: only freshmen or sophomores may play. Rosters are capped at six players per team. Please submit rosters at the following link and remember that once play begins, no changes to the rosters may be allowed to move players from one team to another: ... gmail_link
We will begin with a cap of 12 entries. We will look to enlarge the event as staff and demand allows. Entry fees will be as follows:
First team from a school: $75
Each subsequent team: $65
Scorekeeper discount: $5 per scorekeeper as needed
Moderator discount: $10 per moderator as needed (moderators must be approved by the tournament director)
Buzzer discount: $5 per fully functioning system
You can register at the following link: ... s=66c6b526
Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
We hope to see you at Clayton High on 10/12! Thank you!
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