Clever Middle School and High School will be hosting our 4th annual Clever Middle School Academic tournament on Saturday, 10/26/2024. The tournament will be in the 20 Tossup/20 Bonus format and we will be utilizing Powers for early buzzing. We will NOT be using bounce backs on bonus questions or negative points for wrong answers (negs). This tournament will be in-person, at Clever High School.
We will use question set MS-51 from National Academic Quiz Tournaments (NAQT). This set is (at the time of posting) being used in Missouri by Columbia Independent on 11/2. Please double check no other tournament you attend is using this set before entering. You can find free sample questions at
We are currently capping the field at 18 teams. The field can expand if there is more interest and more importantly staff. Due to question restraints, 24 teams will be the final cap of teams if needed.
Prices are:
- $75 per team
- Fully functional buzzer systems are a $5 discount (must work for 8 players, limit 2 discounts per team). Preference given to those whose systems require the moderator to reset buzzers.
- Providing an experienced moderator (reader) is a $10 discount. Please let us know about these well in advance. We reserve the right to refuse moderators.
-Providing an experienced scorekeeper is a $5 discount. Scorekeepers must be digitally proficient enough to work with a Google Sheets scorecard with limited training.
-$55 minimum per team.
Checkin will be at 8:30 and matches will begin no later than 9:00 AM. There will be a lunch break around 12:00-12:30 PM. We will pre-order pizzas for teams during lunch if they wish to, as there are few options in the area for a quick lunch. Cash or check will be needed at check-in for this. We hope to be done with regular play by 4:00 and all championships by 5:00. We have a strong record of finishing early or on time.
Spots will be filled on a first come/first served basis. Rather than emailing me, please use the NAQT registration system. This is currently capped at 2 teams per school, but I will open registrations to more teams a couple weeks before the event.
Your team will be registered if NAQT’s system says you’re registered. If you sign up to bring staffers, please send me an email with the information of your staffers. Those who can provide experienced staffers are likely to gain priority over those just bringing teams on the waiting list. I reserve the right to cancel any discounts up until the event is attended. Invoices are not final until after the event and offered discounts are finalized.
I plan on awarding trophy/plaques to the top 2 teams, and individual medals for the top 10 scorers of the morning sessions. Currently, this is scheduled at the North of the Elemiddle off Public Rd. in Clever. Feel free to email me with any questions at
On a side note, if you are hosting a tournament we would gladly like information as we are looking to fill our season as well. If you are considering hosting, please feel free to ask me questions. If I don’t know the answer I have contacts who will.
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